Frequently Asked Questions

Please have a look at some of the most common questions that we've been asked below

How does it work?

Please watch our instructional videos available on YouTube We also have instructions on our home page and application launcher page.

What sort of work from home technologies are supported?

When you click the Start button and then minimize the software it runs in the background so any sort of work from home setup involving remote controlling your work computer from your home computer will work. If you have a corporate laptop and cannot access our site for some reason please contact us via our contact us page and we will try to help you out. Corporate laptops usually have software restrictions, however, if the Java runtime is installed or can be requested on your corporate laptop then we can help you.

Can my employer detect that I am using this application?

If you follow the demonstration video and run the WFHHelper software from your home computer while having your work computer in a separate application such as VMWare or Cisco then there is no way to detect from your work computer that you are running WFHHelper software on your home computer. If your office uses desktop analytics which tracks what is on your work screen and nothing on your screen is changing that may be detectable, but that is a separate type of issue along the lines of your personal productivity. Please do not use this software to pretend that you are working when you are not. It is meant to enhance your productivity by pulling you back to your work if you become distracted. If you are using a corporate laptop or running the software directly from your work computer then the software would be detectable, but may not violate policy. You would have to check with your employer. If you cannot access our site for some reason please contact us via our contact us page and we will try to help you out.

Is it safe to run on my computer?

Yes. Since this software needs to move your mouse it does need the full set of application permissions that any other application installed on your computer uses. The application is digitally signed by DigiCert ( so you can be assured of the code integrity. The software has been available since 2014 and has a long track record.

Why does this application require Java to be installed?

The application was written in Java because the same code runs on many different platforms, such as Windows, Mac, Linux, etc... Most browsers previously supported running Java applets within web pages. More recently different browsers are coming up with their own proprietary solutions and in those cases where Java applets are no longer supported the WFHHelper software can be conveniently launched via Java Web Start. Please see our demonstration video where we show how this works in Google Chrome. In the unlikely event that you don't have the Java runtime installed on your computer you can download it from:
For more info about Java Web Start please visit:

Who can I contact for support or general questions?

Please use our contact us page.

Why did you build this program?

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention and that is true here. One day our lead developer was working from home and got pulled away from his desk to tend to a crying newborn baby. Upon returning to the computer he was horrified to find that the head of the department had asked him a question via Skype just moments after he had walked away from his desk. With our software this type of productivity loss would not occur.

Why is it free?

Over the years we have all used software that we benefit from and this is our way of giving back. We hope you enjoy using our program and please provide feedback via our contact us page us page or through any of our social media channels.